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Duke family

My son Jake and my daughter McKenzie have both been patients of Dr. Judd’s since May of 2017. Both of them were on a daily allergy pill and nose spray since they were babies, up until May. I took them both off their medicine and they have been medicine free ever since. If they become “congested,” we come in and Dr. Judd will check them, adjust them and over the next few days they will clear right up.

I am so thankful that we made the lifestyle change and decided to get our kids “truly healthy! -Jake and McKenzie’s Mom

“Nothing excites me more than a young family making chiropractic part of their lifestyle. They stay healthy, and get to focus on the fun things in life. Thank you Aimee Duke for sharing your family’s journey towards better health!” -Dr. Judd

EliWhile Eli was never officially diagnosed, he definitely displayed the signs what people would classify as ADHD, in addition to also being very strong willed. Every day was a struggle to say the least. There was constant strife in the home and every day seemed to just spiral more and more down hill. Once he entered kindergarten is when I realized something had to change. I could not allow him to feel defeated everyday. I was already familiar with Dr. Judd and it just so happened his Perfect Storm webinar came across my news feed at just the right time. After watching I immediately made the call to ProHealth and everyday has been better since. While it is definitely not the overnight fix we all want so badly, the progress made thus far has been amazing!Homework used to take forever and usually resulted in Eli crying and me having to walk away. He has shown great improvement in every area of his life. And while the journey is still ongoing and more work is to be done, I know it will only continue uphill from here with the continued help from Dr. Judd and his amazing staff. So to all the weary parents out there who feel there are no alternatives to dealing with these issues, there is, and I have proof. When I was at my wits end, ProHealth was the answer to my prayers and I will forever be grateful. -Eli’s Mom

“We are so stoked that Eli is doing so well in school and thriving at life! The experiences of seeing these kids succeed, never gets old! So grateful for you trusting our staff and I with the health of your little man.” -Dr. Judd

FrankOur son Frank has been seeing Dr. Judd for little over a year now. We were actually referred to him by a Nurse Practitioner at Navarro Regional Hospital. Frank was having really bad neck and back pain, constipation, bed wetting, and behavioral issues at school which soon started to affect his grades.

We started seeing results after just 6 weeks of seeing Dr. Judd! He is so good with him, and Frank loves to go because he knows how much it helps him. At the beginning of every school year, Frank usually misses a lot of school. I just noticed the other day that we haven’t seen his regular doctor since last school year, and he has only missed one day of school and that was due to a family emergency. He has stayed out of trouble, his grades are amazing, and he gets compliments all the time from past teachers, Assistant Principals and his Principal on how amazing his behavior is this year. If it wasn’t for Dr. Judd and his staff, we would not have come this far. Frank wouldn’t be pain-free and would not be able to comfortably play the sports he loves. Thanks again, ProHealth! -Frank’s Mom

“So happy to see this young man winning at life. Love his energy and passion for school and sports!” -Dr. Judd
#fistbump #nextlevel #experiencinglifehealthy

Gorman familyMom Wellness Update 2/20/2018: My family does not suffer any back or neck injuries and we visit the chiropractor on a regular basis. Why? We started on a small hope that this would help with my son’s neurological speech disorder, which it has, tremendously. After researching and asking Dr. Judd a million questions about chiropractic care, my husband and I decided we all should go. It has been one of the best decisions for my family. It keeps our health up, sickness down and if something creeps in, we see Dr. Judd for a quick boost to help speed up recovery. I started out a skeptic, but I am now a full believer because I see what it is done for our family, from our 1-year-old to my husband. As crazy as it may sound to someone who is not familiar with chiropractic care, my son’s speech has jumped leaps and bounds!!! Now my son’s spine can deliver his brain the proper “food” so speech therapy can do its job. I am just a regular mom who was tired of going to the doctor and seeing no results. Now, I play a more proactive role and it works. Give Dr. Judd a call and ask questions! -Jag’s Mom/Mom of 4 well-adjusted kiddos

Mom Report 2/20/2017: “We started seeing Dr. Judd because we had heard of great progress with other children who suffer from Apraxia. Apraxia is a neurological speech disorder and apparently going to the chiropractor helps to open the flow to the brain. Since we have been seeing Dr. Judd, Jag’s speech has definitely picked up. He’s becoming more vocal, able to enunciate better, and new words are coming out! His K4 (pre-k) teacher tells me how he is improving, talking more and just the other day he got a special badge in class during reading circle! He stood up and said the letters and sounds. We are super proud of our son and so glad we started going to ProHealth. We even ran into Jag’s principle this past Friday and he was very excited to say, “Jag has come such a long way! We can definitely tell a difference!” -Jag’s Mom

“Absolutely, love this family!! You guys rock a healthy crew because you are committed to it and that has made all the difference!! Thank you for sharing but most importantly thank you for allowing us to serve your family.” -Dr. Judd

KennieThere are so many layers to this tiny person. And they are finally being peeled away to reveal the strong unique human I’ve known in my heart she is. When Kennie was about a year old, she began getting chronic ear infections. It seemed every time she became ill it would end up in her ears. For months we fought ear infections. She would take a round of antibiotics, be okay, then sick again in the next few weeks. By the time we were referred to our ENT her right ear was so clogged and infected he immediately had us check into the hospital for tubes the next morning. Our ENT was amazing. The tubes went in great and did their job, but Kennie’s immune system was on overload and within a few months we were sick again. It seems like every time she would get well, something else would go wrong. Antibiotics were like a band-aid, it was a quick fix, but we needed to get to the root of the problem. Countless ear infections, tubes and illness seemed like a plague. Instead of a bouncy cuddly toddler, I had a stressed out and often ill child. She would not play with her toys, she wouldn’t snuggle, and she would walk around the house moaning, crying, and being mad at the world. We were lucky to have one good night a week. Her eyes were always baggy, and her meltdowns were inconsolable.

I knew it was time to take the next step. Doctor bills were stacking up (and still are). It was and is overwhelming. I realized I wasn’t being proactive enough with our health. As a runner, fitness instructor and just fit person, I was doing things for myself for fit reasons and mental health but not enough for my kids. When I started to research, I stumbled across an ear infection workshop and it peeked my interest! What started as just a small change has turned into an overhaul for my family, and the results so far have been amazing. Kennie is healthy and is much more relaxed. She is blooming into the amazing human I knew she was all along. Now instead of walking around crying, she sings and dances. She sits in my lap, we read together, she gives hugs and kisses and smiles so much more now.

I am thankful every day for taking a leap of faith and trusting Dr. Judd and his staff. -Kennie’s Mom

“Absolutely adore us some Kennie, she lights up our afternoon with her lively spirit! She is truly an amazing human that is going to do some incredible things.” -Dr. Judd

Langley familyGrady and Sarah both suffered from severe allergies. Grady would take one allergy medications a day and Sarah took two medicines for allergies daily. Sarah would miss a couple of days a week of school at least twice a month from her allergies. Both kids had a nebulizer treatment that would be used on a regular basis.A friend of ours recommended Dr. Judd to us as her children received amazing results from his care. Within four weeks we had completely stopped all medication, including their nebulizer treatments. Now two years later they are medicine free and doing great.

“We are so proud to take care of Grady, Sarah and their entire family! We love seeing these kiddos thrive!” -Dr. Judd

Photo of patient RhettWe first came to ProHealth Chiropractic Center when Rhett was 3 1/2 months old. He was born in a very fast paced birth. Unknowing to us, this had caused Rhett to develop stress in his neck and lower back. He was having a hard time moving his neck to the left. This put a strain in his neck that made it uncomfortable and painful for him. His distress pushed us to seek help, and that is how we came to know Dr. Judd. From his first appointment, Rhett has started to become more active and in each appointment after that he is progressing more positively. He enjoys tummy time, which was hard on him before. So far, Rhett has become more energetic! He also sleeps more comfortably and has a smile on his face when he does! Another big change is that his bowel movements have become more frequent. Overall Rhett, is happier than ever. He laughs, smiles, and just shines! My baby boy is just so much more cheerful!. Many thanks to Dr. Judd and his staff from my family and me for working with Rhett! -Rhett’s Mom

“We love seeing children express their full potential in health and life. So thankful you guys decided to go a different direction and as a result get a completely different outcome for your son!” -Dr. Judd

TobyMy chiropractic journey began when I was 2 months pregnant. My body was going through a major change, and I was feeling it all over. I would wake up with my legs tingling and my hips in major pain. While talking to a friend, she suggested I go see Dr. Judd. From the first time I stepped through the doors of his office, I felt at home. It didn’t take long before I was feeling much better. I noticed a change almost right away. I started sleeping more soundly and my indigestion wasn’t near as bad. I found myself feeling more relaxed as my body kept changing through the pregnancy. I was able to enjoy it being that I wasn’t in any pain and was able to keep up my regular activity.Celebrating the mile stones in my pregnancy with the staff at Dr.Judd’s office was also a perk! When my due date approached, I was adjusted before I went to the hospital. I felt great and ready for a smooth delivery. After having an emergency C-section my first thought was for my baby Toby. My new mom worries were put to rest when Toby was adjusted by Dr. Judd when he was a day old. We are choosing to be Pro-Active with Toby’s health so he still sees Dr. Judd and we definitely see the results day in and day out. Toby was a great breast feeder and loves to sleep! Toby has been sleeping through the night since he was 6 weeks old! He has been healthy and happy and really enjoys his adjustments. He is a chill baby and I credit that to Dr. Judd and his staff. -Toby’s Mom

“Love seeing babies get adjusted and thrive from the beginning. So proud to be apart of yall’s story and this little guy’s debut into the world!” -Dr. Judd


More ProHealth Chiropractic Center Success Stories | (903) 874-2211